The Writer’s Hoard

A server by writers, for writers.

The Writer's Hoard

Created: December 05, 2021

Members: 2100

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Rest, weary traveler, for you have made it to your destination: a wonderful writing world filled with magic and mysticism.

The Writer’s Hoard is a supportive hub for writers, by writers. Here at the hoard, we offer many services to help you improve at your craft.

Eager to fine-tune your new character who doesn’t quite have that lovable charm you’re hoping for? Looking to iron out details of your plot, big or small, that you’re not quite sure about? Seeking out your next great read? Well, we can help with all of that!

With sections of the server dedicated to publishing help and channels geared towards online writing platforms, we’re here to support you every step of the way as you work towards your writing dreams. Supporting our members is our top priority—each story you’ve crafted with love and care can find a home in our server, where it can be talked about and read by other members.

And with a plethora of other channels and events, both general and writing related, there’s a community here we’d love for you to join. Lifelong friendships are not unfamiliar to the server, and if you’re looking for a group of helpful, friendly writer friends, then you’ve found your place. No matter who you are, you’ll fit right in.

Interested? Join us at The Writer’s Hoard today!

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