Our server is a nontoxic, inclusive, and sfw server. We aim to be welcoming and accessible to all. We make sure that any member with fonts in their username has a regular nickname, to aid those that are visually impaired and may use screen readers. We have pluralkit and tupperbox available for any traumagenic DID/OSDD systems, and have an autoresponder that provides answers to those who may be confused about DID/OSDD. We also have an autoresponder which provides information about tonetags. Our server is bpoc owned, and kindly welcomes anyone, we welcome any race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. We have a channel full of mental health resources for multiple areas around the world. We have different activities! We have QOTD (question of the day), WYR (would you rather), wot (wear or tear), eoy (eat or yeet), fotd (fish/fish fact of the day), and positivity. We have bots for trivia, uno, character collecting, bakery owning, and mafia. We hope that you join and make aquarium one of your favorite servers!