• Who We Are
1st Reconnaissance Battalion, or [1stRB], is a USMC themed semi-milsim group. Founded 07/02/2022, we pride ourselves on organization, operational tempo, and welcoming attitude towards new members. We are looking for a wide variety of player types, in addition to our primary Battalion focus on light infantry, we field a competitive team for high level gameplay, as well as a reservists pool for those for a less intense route.
• What We Do
We frequently host or participate in a large variety of events and trainings. From Hostage Rescues to Combat Patrols, Raids, Beach Landings and more for Events. Trainings encompass Boot Camp, Range Days, AIT (Advanced Infantry), Squad Leader School, Anti-Tank, and more.
If you enlist with us, you can expect at least 1-2 events per week, at least 1-3 trainings per week, a healthy group of ~50+ people playing public games nightly, and a community that will actively work to see you become successful. All events and trainings are optional.
• Find Out More
If you’re interested, post in
We will get you taken care of within 24hr. You can learn more about our Organization and Operations in