3D Print Farms

Welcome! We're a group for 3D printing businesses and 3D print farms to connect and chat!

3D Print Farms

Created: October 15, 2020

Members: 1946

Join Discord Server

Welcome to our Discord server for 3D printing businesses! This is a community where 3D printing enthusiasts, hobbyists, and entrepreneurs can come together to connect, chat, share advice, and learn from one another.

Whether you’re new to 3D printing or a seasoned pro, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge and support in our community. We’re all here to help each other grow and succeed in our 3D printing businesses.

One of the great things about our server is that it’s designed to be a hub for sharing information and resources. If you’re struggling with slicing your models, you can ask for help and receive guidance from those who have already mastered the skill. Or if you’re looking to learn how to use automation software to make your farm more efficient, for example, you can connect with others who have experience and get tips and advice from them.

Our community is also a great place to share your 3D printing setup and get feedback from others. Whether you’re looking to improve your print quality or optimize your workflow, you’ll find plenty of experts in our community who can help you.

In addition to all the great advice and resources available in our community, we also have a number of channels dedicated to different aspects of 3D printing. For example, we have channels focused on 3D printing filament, hardware, software, and more. This makes it easy to connect with others who share your interests and expertise.

Of course, no community would be complete without some fun and entertainment! We also have channels for off-topic discussion, memes, food, and other lighthearted topics.

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