51st Regiment

The official Discord server of the 51st Regiment of Foot.

51st Regiment

Created: April 26, 2016

Members: 2981

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The 51st Regiment of Foot is amongst the oldest regiments within the Napoleonic warfare linebattling community. We take pride for our commitment to the linebattling community and that we have over fourteen years of active experience within the competitive aspects of the games we have come to play.

The regiment can trace its roots to the Source Mod Battlegrounds 2 where we were instrumental in the development of linebattle tactics. We have also been a part of the Mount & Blade: Warband mod Mount & Musket, and its Napoleonic Wars DLC. We are currently participating in Holdfast: Nations at War.

We strive to be as true to the art of Napoleonic warfare as possible, which means we always train and strategize to become a better and stronger unit. We value discipline, loyalty, dedication and most importantly the will to become a better player in the community we all share together.

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