Server for all things Kitty Inu, KittyKart, and Kitty Inu DAO.


Created: October 21, 2021

Members: 3688

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Play new web3 games, participate in community governance, challenge yourself by learning animation – Kitty Inu aims to keep it fun and creative at all times.

About the Kitty Inu Ecosystem:

The Kitty Inu project is revamping fan engagement within the entertainment industry, transforming how audiences interact with their favorite characters. Central to this initiative is the Kitty Inu DAO, a decentralized community built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Utilizing the KITTY token, the DAO empowers members with ability to vote on proposals for how treasury funds are spent and participate in member-gated activities. KITTY additionally functions as the in-game currency for KittyKart, a Mario-Kart style racing game being developed on Arbitrum. KITTY also serves as a key to access Kitty Inu themed experiences in other IP/gaming ecosystems – such as Nifty Island, Pixels, and Captain & Company. Moreover, the token is integral to Kitty’s R Us, a SocialFi loyalty platform maintained by the Kitty Inu DAO that rewards member’s contributions, which fuel the growth and evolution of Kitty Inu.

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