NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

The home of our simulation-heavy tactical space game like no other.

NEBULOUS: Fleet Command

Created: February 04, 2018

Members: 13203

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NEBULOUS: Fleet Command is a one-of-a-kind game in early access on Steam. Our growing community has been active on our Discord since the start and has helped shape the game since well before the start of Early Access and continues to expand as the game progresses towards full release. Our official Discord is the best place to meet fellow NEBULOUS players, talk strategy and tactics, and join fun events and communities.

ABOUT NEBULOUS: Take command of a fleet of space warships tailored to your exact play-style. Favor a small task group of robust, flexible multi-role combatants, a large group of specialized ships, or something in between. Do battle in a heavily simulation-based tactical game featuring everything from kinetics and beam weapons to realistic radar and electronic warfare. Nebulous seamlessly blends the thoughtfulness of pre-mission planning, tension of battle decision-making, pressure of real-time action, and pain of inevitable sacrifice into an intense tactical space game that will keep you reflecting on every decision (and mistake) for hours after each battle. Learn more at

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