India Tech

Are you in Tech? Are you into Startups ? Looking to join a team? This is the Indian community for you.

India Tech

Created: January 30, 2023

Members: 5039

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Meet the Indian tech community.

We’re a bunch of eclectic nerds building the coolest things you can imagine. From AI chatbots to supply chains, you’ll find someone who can opine at length on any topic.

Need advice, or a job? Come over. Want memes? We got plenty.

Vibes? Yep. Cookies, too 🙂

Whether you’re a student or an industry vet, here’s a place you can finally call home.

5/5 - (3 votes)

One thought on “India Tech”

  1. Hey there I wanted to join the server but link is I think expired can I have a new link to join ?

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