
Share, collaborate, and discuss ideas on LikeCoin governance, product and technical development.


Created: October 06, 2020

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What is LikeCoin?

LikeCoin decentralizes publishing by allowing everyone to publish their content as an NFTs with a suite of open tools. (NFT portal & widget, plugin, open APIs)

Content Ownership

Own your content by publishing an NFT on the LikeCoin chain.

Decentralize Publishing

LikeCoin envisions a future where digital content is transformed from “Web-native” to “NFT native” format. All content will be natively created on the blockchain and stored in two layers.

Property right layer — the metadata registry ISCN (international standard content number) records the relationships between the content and creator.

The NFT layer — the proof of ownership and the mechanism of transfer between purchasers and creators.

Writing NFT

NFT can be an email, an image, an identity, or a book. LikeCoin Writing NFT is designed especially for text-based content creation.

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