
Discord4J is a fast, powerful, unopinionated, reactive library for developing Discord bots in Java.


Created: July 28, 2016

Members: 2326

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# Reactive
Discord4J follows the reactive-streams protocol to ensure Discord bots run smoothly and efficiently regardless of size.

# Official
Automatic rate limiting, automatic reconnection strategies, and consistent naming conventions are among the many features Discord4J offers to ensure your Discord bots run up to Discord’s specifications and to provide the least amount of surprises when interacting with our library.

# Modular
Discord4J breaks itself into modules to allow advanced users to interact with our API at lower levels to build minimal and fast runtimes or even add their own abstractions.

# Powerful
Discord4J can be used to develop any bot, big or small. We offer many tools for developing large-scale bots from custom distribution frameworks, off-heap caching, and its interaction with Reactor allows complete integration with frameworks such as Spring and Micronaut.

# Community
We pride ourselves on our inclusive community and are willing to help whenever challenges arise, or if you just want to chat! We offer help ranging from Discord4J specific problems, to general programming and web development help, and even Reactor-specific questions. Be sure to visit us on our Discord server!

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