Official Community server of the Roblox game „Feuerwehr Schrietz“
This server is there to inform you about what’s going on within the game but also to report bugs or make suggestions about things that should be added.
We also give you the chance to make your own sub-servers for your own RP Community.
You might also want to just hang around and talk with people from different regions. We also encourage talking about fire department, EMS related stuff to see if things work differently or similarly around the world.
Ich würde mich sehr über einen Rp freuen,denn ich selber bin in der FFW und habe deswegen viel Ahnung
Ich kann Leider eurem Discord nicht Bei Tretten und Wie Komme Ich in die Feuerwache 2 weil da Steht unlockt aber es geht Nicht.
Bitte um Hilfe
Vielen Dank