DST Survivors (Don’t Starve Together)

Welcome to our community! Our Discord is dedicated to "Don't Starve/Together", and we host a variety of in game servers!

DST Survivors (Don't Starve Together)

Created: August 26, 2019

Members: 10012

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We are an enthusiast group of Don’t Starve Together, the multiplayer expansion of the uncompromising wilderness survival game Don’t Starve, published by Klei Entertainment. We host a multitude of in game servers all across the world of a variety of game types, including vanilla survival, endless, and all the most popular game modes! We actively support and moderate all our servers so you can have the best time on all our servers, as free from griefers, trolls and troublemakers as possible.

We pride ourselves on our diversity, both in our international community presence, language support, and multitudes of game modes offered, as well as our channels! We support community as well, and also include art, food, music and pet galleries for members to share with others and hang out in. We also are looking forward to hosting more server wide events, something we used to utilize quite frequently as well and have been warming up to again.

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