
- We are a part of 2 Communities "English & Slovenian" Gaming, Chill, Find your soulmate, Participate in events


Created: July 22, 2020

Members: 1278

Join Discord Server

You’re welcome to join the growing community of gamers, memers, entertainers, we are looking to make your day better! We’re always trying to make some content with livestreams on Twitch or just simple livestreams here in Discord! It’s all about having fun and making others laugh. If you see yourself in this description make sure to join!
The server is for everyone who is looking for likeminded people so everyone with good intentions is welcome as long as you don’t disrespect others. We are trying to keep the community clean so make sure you help us insure we keep it this way. You’ll be welcome to find good people here so make sure you engage with the community and let us know you landed! We’re always trying to improve so let us know about your ideas and what can you bring to upgrade the server even more open up a ticket in #rules and let us know your thoughts!

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