
Official Discord Server for everything Rival Bot related - visit https://rival.rocks for all commands and documentation


Created: December 19, 2022

Members: 2819

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Rival is a multipurpose bot featuring over 500 commands to help you manage, moderate and protect your server!

Trusted in over 1k servers and by more than 2 millions users, Rival is an all-round multifunctional bot which aims to allow users to manage and protect their servers in an easy and customizable way!

Rival keeps your server safe and clean with its powerful antinuke/antiraid capabilities and extensive automod, which allows you to filter the chat and avoid spam, nudity, mass mention or any type of links, inclusing server invites, to pollute your chat.

With over 500 commands, and constantly pushing updates and taking in new suggestions, Rival offers you many tools to make your community a better place

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