Dissociative Galaxy

Dedicated to Traumagenic Systems, this server's goal is to provide a safe place for them and anyone supporting them !

Dissociative Galaxy

Created: April 23, 2019

Members: 1772

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This server was made for Traumagenic systems to be able to find a safe place and be themselves!

Most of our members are systems, which mean people with DID/OSDD (P-DID), who went through repetitive trauma during childhood and caused their identity to split at a young age into different ones, different alters.

Alters are here to protect the system, to make life possible for the system.
But being a system isn’t all fun and enjoyable, it also means flashbacks, blackouts, dissociation.
These are pretty distressing symptoms, and we should be able to talk about it while we have to wait to be able to be helped by a professional. So here is our community.

As non professionals, we do our best to spread knowledge on the disorder for systems themselves but also Singlets who wish to know more about DID than it being a fun disorder scary men have in scary movies.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder which is actually more common than most people would think. And it’s important to talk about it. It’s important to provide a safe space for those who have it.

So feel free to come and enjoy your stay here ~

You must be 16 to join the server.

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