Vexera Official

The official server of Vexera, a popular Discord bot.

Vexera Official

Created: September 23, 2016

Members: 180911

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The official server of Vexera, a popular Discord bot.

Vexera is a multipurpose bot for discord currently serving about 2M servers. It provides a range of features:
– 99% Uptime
– Music – High quality, easy to use music.
– Moderation commands – Kick, Ban, Mute, Softban and Voice Kick users with ease using commands.
– Autorole – Automatically apply roles to users when they join, or when they request with a command.
– Misc commands – A variety of misc or fun commands including `+cat` and `+dog`.
– Advanced Permissions – Specify who can do what using advanced permissions.
– Locale support – Set Vexera to respond to you or the whole server in a different language.
– A couple of new features are undergoing development and will extend this list soon!


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