
Official LuxAlgo Discord. We create next-gen visualizations to help the world analyze markets smarter.


Created: November 06, 2019

Members: 156111

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Enhance your trading experience. We create next-gen visualizations to help the world trade & invest smarter. 50,000+ traders & investors use Lux Algo Premium indicators worldwide on platforms like TradingView. Lux Algo is also an official Discord Partner with a 100,000+ member community. We are top developers in the space with 50+ free indicators released open source. Used by hundreds of thousands of traders globally. Lux Algo has many of the most ever-used indicators on the entire TradingView platform. ‘Lux Algo Premium’ is the highest ever-rated invite-only indicator in history with 10,000+ ratings & growing exponentially. Lux Algo was created from innovation in the technical analysis space with an aggressive focus on user experience & customer feedback.

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