This server is dedicated to the hit manga and anime series Komi-san Can’t Communicate by Tomohito Oda. We are an active, friendly community of over 24,000 members, with several member-created clubs that cover a range of topics such as cooking, F1 racing (or cars in general), and Komi fanfics to name just a few.
We have two general channels, each having their own flavor. General 2 is the more chill of the two, with no image or embed permissions.
There are four channels dedicated to discussing Komi-san. Two for the manga (one for spoilers), one for the anime, and one for the live-action series… (Yes, there is a live-action series.)
Other popular channels include, but are not limited to: events planning, gaming, other manga/anime, art, other media (videos, photos, etc.), and a starboard.
…Oh, and our assortment of emojis and stickers is quite extensive.
We look forward to having you. 🙂