Slums Gaming

(Slums) is not about a person or a game but a collective. People from all different lifestyles and backgrounds. Welcome!

Slums Gaming

Created: September 11, 2021

Members: 1408

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The Need:
“A community that lasts through the cycle of any particular game”. According to a study on discord servers, 90% of Discord servers have 15 people or less in them. The official engagement rate for discord servers currently is (.06%). Most discord servers are built around a person or streamer, a game or a craft. This might work for particular interests but does not serve well for a community approach. Can a community utilizing discord be different from the norm?

The Plan:
Slums Gaming plans to create a community that can serve more than one need, ideally creating a more immersive experience for the end user. We plan to do so by implementing these things:

A place to hangout with friends (while also having the capacity for being in a private or hidden channel).

A place to meet new people. Through the chill spaces (Hangout Zones) or community chats or game specific areas.

Custom game environments or servers. By housing game specific communities we create the capacity for people to be plugged in or “participate”.

[Partners] These are people who offer members additional community by hosting their environments within Slums Gaming.

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