
Laid-back, education-focused community examining personality type theories as a means of self-discovery.


Created: July 31, 2017

Members: 9684

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Laid-back, education-focused community examining personality type theories such as MBTI and Enneagram as a means of self-discovery.

500 animal emotes and 60 stickers.
All important bots.
Daily movies and VCs.

Features for Nitro Boosting:

• Access to the Booster/Patron-only bot text channel.
• Ability to self-assign palette-based vanity roles that are otherwise only available from achievement roles of levels 25, 50 and 75 on Mee6.
• Access to #lounge-3 and #archival.
• 12500 currency awarded on the Easterlies bot per boost monthly. Synergises with Patron role for extra droplets. 2.5k bonus for each boost.
• Access to #biographies, #pokémon and #stories.
• Ability to use the kotatsu and library voice channels.

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