4 Dash

The hub for all things sparrowing in the Destiny franchise.

4 Dash

Created: April 18, 2022

Members: 4460

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Outside of treating sparrows as a hobby, rather than a tool to get from point A to point B, we offer a lot of help, insight, and more for movement tech and exploration in Destiny 2. Nowhere else provides help as thorough as us, as we house the most skilled in the community who are passionate to teach.

Due to our prevalence in discovering tech, new findings are published here before anywhere else, meaning those who are a part of our community are in the loop before any other circle. Rather than gatekeeping or hiding this information for ourselves, however, we go out of our way to make sure everyone can both know about learn it efficiently and effectively.

Although Destiny 2 is our pick of choice, it’s not uncommon to find discussion around other games and the ways to break them, so there’s a bit of everything for everyone here at 4 Dash.

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