Tranquility Gaming

Tranquility Gaming is primarily a PC Overwatch season style tournament for NA players gold up to GM over 4 tiers.

Tranquility Gaming

Created: February 23, 2018

Members: 4832

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Welcome to the Tranquility Gaming Community. This community is intended to aid in the growth of players and primarily their development in the game of Overwatch. It was first conceived as a casual intramural level tournament but has evolved into a developmental community helping players, casters, and producers across multiple skill tiers in a league style format.

With that being said, Tranquility Gaming is a well-organized community and will take the structure and operation seriously. Itu2019s a community that is meant to be fun and drama free, but that only works if everyone participates and follows the developed guidelines.

After ten successful seasons we are set to kick off Season 11 August 2023 across four tiers.

The TGC is open to all players of all skill levels, it is meant to be an inclusive space to help build a community of competition and friendship.

I am looking forward to working with all of you to continue this community’s success for years to come!

Thank You,

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