
Havencraft is a survival community with a strong focus. We are a family-friendly community with friendly staff.


Created: September 08, 2021

Members: 1313

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Havencraft is a survival community with a strong focus on exploration, community, and passionately bringing you the best of what Minecraft has to offer. We are a semi-vanilla family-friendly community with amazing staff who work our hardest to bring you the best experience possible!

Everyone is welcome as both in Java and Bedrock version players are free to join!

Java IP -> play.havencraftmc.com
Bedrock IP -> bedrock.havencraftmc.com:19132

We offer ranks and extra rewards for voting. Each vote gets you closer to the next rank. We also have many community events with rotating games where you can win fantastic prizes (even just by participating!) We have a focused economy with player-based shops!

We are a safe server with established rules to guarantee a positive player experience. We do not allow griefing or raiding, which means your builds will be completely safe. We have a dedicated staff team to ensure you won’t be bothered by pesky griefers or the like. Our community has a strong focus to deliver you the best semi-vanilla survival experience possible. If you like pure vanilla survival and you love meeting friendly new faces come to check us out!

5/5 - (1 vote)

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