FM Base

Join our friendly FM community to talk about FM, Tactics, IRL Football or participate in our Prediction leagues!

FM Base

Created: August 28, 2018

Members: 6599

Join Discord Server

Welcome to the ultimate destination for Football Manager enthusiasts – the FM Base Discord server! We are a dynamic and friendly community that is dedicated to all things FM. Here are just a few reasons why you should join us:

Expert Staff Team: Our team of moderators and admins are passionate Football Manager players with years of experience in the game. They are always available to provide support and answer your questions, ensuring that your time with us is enjoyable and hassle-free.

Active Community: Our community is full of active and engaged players who are always ready to share their experiences, tactics, and advice. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, you will always find someone to help you out.

Events: We regularly host events and competitions that are tailored to the needs and interests of our members. From friendly matches to serious tournaments, we have something for everyone. Join our events and show off your skills or just hang out and have fun.

Resources: Our server is a treasure trove of Football Manager resources, including downloadable tactics, custom databases, and helpful guides. Our members are always willing to share their knowledge and help you improve your game.

Community-driven: Our community is what makes us special. We are driven by the passion and enthusiasm of our members and are always looking for new ways to make our server even better. Join us today and be a part of something special!

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