
A Vietnamese Minecraft Network for both Survival - PvP respectively! All artworks are rightfully belong to LiareNg#0727


Created: April 30, 2021

Members: 5151

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At first glance, ThiccMC may seem like just another Minecraft server following the Dream SMP format. However, it is actually much more than that! ThiccMC is the premier Vietnamese Minecraft SMP Discord server, offering a modern Minecraft experience with a highly-performant Semi-Vanilla SMP that is unrivaled in Asia. This is not an exaggeration, even some Vietnamese Minecraft celebrities have confirmed that ThiccMC is a standout option for Minecraft Multiplayer Survival in Vietnam. Our community is both friendly and open-minded, allowing for discussions about everything from Minecraft gameplay to technology updates and mods. If you’re interested, we invite you to join us now!

5/5 - (1 bình chọn)

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