Synergy | SYNR.GG

Synergy Roleplay is a CloneWars roleplay server. We currently have NA EU and AU Friendly events

Synergy | SYNR.GG

Created: August 12, 2020

Members: 1003

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▶️ Synergy Roleplay ◀️

Welcome to Synergy Roleplay, an immersive Clone Wars roleplay server. Our community spans across EU, NA, and AU regions, ensuring that events and activities cater to players from various time zones. Immerse yourself in our exclusive map, featuring custom props and weapons that you won’t find anywhere else!

▶️ Reasons to Become a Part of Our Community ◀️

International Friendly Atmosphere: Enjoy deployments and events designed to accommodate players from EU, NA, and AU regions.

Bespoke Onderon Experience: Explore a unique custom map set on the captivating planet of Onderon.

Pixelcat’s Entertaining Presence: Occasionally, the popular YouTuber Pixelcat joins us, enhancing the fun and excitement on the server while creating engaging content for his channel.

Diverse Factions: Embark on different paths within our factions:

・ Clones: Enlist in one of our dynamic battalions, fostering camaraderie and entertainment within the community.

・ Naval Command: Oversee the base’s logistics, ensuring essential supplies are available, and disseminate orders to our valiant clones. ️

・ Jedi Order: Join the ranks of the Jedi and embrace the ways of the Force, becoming a guiding light for the order’s future. ⚔️

・ Civilian: Chart your own destiny as a civilian, whether you choose the path of a resourceful bounty hunter or opt for a more diplomatic role as a senator.

Experience the thrill of our 2 NA, 2 EU, and 2 AU Deployments held weekly. Don’t miss out – join us today and be a part of the Synergy Roleplay adventure!

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