Departments of San Andreas Roleplay | FiveM

DOSARP is an active FiveM vMenu community that provides realistic and profressional roleplay experience for GTA 5.

Departments of San Andreas Roleplay | FiveM

Created: January 12, 2019

Members: 1471

Join Discord Server

Hey there! We welcome you to DOSARP. A community in FiveM utilising vMenu trying their hardest, putting maximum effort into the server just for you guys. The team at DOSARP are focussing on the server making sure we can push it to the best it can be. We may look like an ordinary server, but you won’t know until you have joined the community. We are a open community allowing suggestions and listening to the community always. So, should you join our server? Of course! Let us tell you why…

We are a high quality roleplay server featuring hard working, dedicated and enthusiastic developers & staff members. We offer:

– Custom Scripts & Assets
– Custom Website & Forums
– Dedicated & Hard Working Staff
– Helpful Community
– Fire & EMS

We have a great management team who have been working hard on the server to create a custom fun experience and a successful community.

The staff team have been working hard and putting the maximum effort they can to push the server further and further. Where can you find us at:

– Discord:
– Server IP:

We (the staff team @ DOSARP) hope to see you soon on our server. If you have any issues, please contact one of the staff members in the discord.

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