Mum’s House

Mum's House is a place just about anyone can call home and can learn with others or share their art with the family

Mum's House

Created: August 14, 2016

Members: 50233

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Mum’s House used to be an emote server way back when anyone, even without nitro, could use them anywhere. That’s all gone and we’re now more focused into the home-y feel where anyone can just talk about almost anything.

We also have quite a few brilliant minds to help you with your homework such as Math and other common subjects. Even programming!

Artists can share their artworks, collect feedback and grow. We want to invest into their growth as much as we can and quite a few frequently post their own art and are met with a lot of positive and constructive help.

There are the occasional game nights we even try to host with other servers such as once hosting a tournament and a rocket league tournament with one of our partners. More are to come and we never withhold on the prizes from $10 nitro to all players of a team to cash prize pools.

Giveaways are the same as game nights. There will sometimes be games or leftover nitro subscriber benefits that cannot be used as well as nitro itself or money

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