The official joint for Warlander memes, themes, and dreams! #HandsUp #HandsUp #HandsUp #HandsUp


Created: April 12, 2022

Members: 10562

Join Discord Server

Respect and kindness above all!

We are building a chill and friendly community, that is looking to come together and share their love for Warlander while playing the game together and contributing to the success of the game through community-driven game development!

Toxicity, trash talking, and harassment will not be tolerated.

While we respect Happy Wars and its connection to Warlander, this is not a Happy Wars server. If you want to talk about Happy Wars search for a compatible server. This server is for Warlander discussion and any abuse or disrespect of this will not be tolerated.

Members of the dev team from Toylogic are and will be in the server. This is a really great privilege to have them here, and we plan to invite them to Discord exclusive Q and A and things like that so please respect their privacy while they are here. See Rule #2. Do not DM or @ mention Devs unless specifically asked to by the Dev or an Admin.

Community-focused game development:
We are using a public feature upvoter and bug tracker to allow the community to help identify potential bugs and also have a voice in determining which features will make it into the game. https://warlander.featureupvote.com/

Important channels to check out as a new user:

For game support:

Welcome and let us know if you have any questions.

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