The official server for the Black Star Initiative. - One of the most active Star Citizen Communities.


Created: September 11, 2015

Members: 4327

Join Discord Server

Should you choose to, you will join the largest private military company (4500+ members) and most active org in the ‘verse, hosting more weekly events in all time zones than any other org. We are a strictly law-abiding org with a focus on security.

For combat oriented members this means you will participate in some of the largest and best coordinated fleet battles in the game. For our commerce and logistics oriented members this means you enter a symbiotic relationship with our military where you enjoy the best 24/7 protection services available, allowing you to conduct your operations in some of the highest risk/reward zones. Our military in turn enjoys the support you provide to keep it running.

As a member of the BSI community, you can focus on what you love best about Star Citizen. In your preferred specialisation, you connect with like-minded members from across the world and develop your knowledge and skills in the game together.

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