FanFiction Library

A server for fanfic recommendations. Feel at home in this awesome and diverse community for fanfic writers and readers!

FanFiction Library

Created: November 17, 2020

Members: 2358

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Welcome to the FanFiction Library – a server for fanfic recommendations and home to an awesome and diverse community of fanfiction readers and writers!
If you love fanfics and a well organised multifandom server for fanfic recs and everything about fanfics, you’ve found the right place!

We value respect, positivity, politeness, fairness, honesty and upholding the rules. Don’t be shy – say hi!
With our amazing role setup, you’ll only see channels of your choice.
Adult content is only accessible if you are 18 or older.

▢ Countless fanfiction recommendations of various fandoms and the chance to rec your favorite fanfics
▢ Custom bots for fanfic prompts, etc.
▢ Channels for everything about writing like sneak peeks for your works, writing advice and resources, fanfic self promotion, immediate writing help, sprints, writing streams, inspiration, tagging help, etc.
▢ A Reading Club where we gather to read out fanfics of various topics out to each other!
▢ Events (daily/weekly drabble, fanfic of the week, QOTW, etc.)
▢ Fanfic writing challenges with respective collections on AO3
▢ Niche channels for Podfics, Art/Crafts/Photography and Original Works
▢ And more!

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