Fracctal Monsters | P2E

Fracctal Monsters is an NFT monster taming game developed on the Algorand blockchain!

Fracctal Monsters | P2E

Created: December 10, 2021

Members: 1516

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Fracctal Monsters are randomly generated NFT virtual pets that grow and evolve over time based on how they are cared for by their trainers.

Fracctal Monsters core gameplay involves raising virtual NFT pets from their baby stage to adult form. The better you take care of your pets the quicker they grow and evolve. You’ll need to login often to make sure your pets aren’t hungry, tired, lonely, bored, etc.

The game includes modes for exercising/training your pet to keep them active. You’ll also be able to let your pets play with each other for socialization. You’ll learn over time which food and activities your pet prefers the most. These modes are great for casual players who enjoy pet raising.

In addition to these modes, we’ll also have battling (PvP and PvE). Players will earn rewards which include tokens and in-game items (food, toys, etc). We will also have a system for breeding pets. All monsters are randomly generated and our system ensures that no two monsters are exactly the same!

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