DM Mentors Guild

A friendly place for Dungeon Masters to discuss everything about DMing. Chat, plot, brainstorm, worldbuild, and more!

DM Mentors Guild

Created: April 17, 2017

Members: 2122

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A Place for Dungeon Masters to Learn and Teach

Anyone that has ever been a Dungeon Master knows that it’s a tough, complex job with lots of uncertainty, especially when you first start out, and sometimes it’s incredibly helpful to have a friendly DM to talk to. Likewise, many experienced DMs understand how fulfilling and enjoyable it is to inspire others with your creative ideas, help new DMs overcome their setbacks, and discuss the application of content and rules.

That’s what the DM Mentor’s Guild is for, providing DMs of all ages and styles a place to discuss our favorite thing: Running games of Dungeons & Dragons.

We have hundreds of Dungeon Masters from all over the world that you can talk to about anything, any time. Be it story help, worldbuilding, table top resources, pre-made modules, set design, miniature creation, rules interpretation, monster and encounter balancing – we’ve done it all, and we want to talk to you about it. We’re ***very*** new DM friendly. People come to us as brand new, never-played-before DMs all the time, and we help them as best we can. We’re a friendly, wildly diverse group of people that are here to help. *Everyone* is welcome here.

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