Funky Penguin

A community of friendly geeks who enjoy self-hosting, Docker, Kubernetes, and related cloud/devops topics

Funky Penguin

Created: December 28, 2017

Members: 2113

Join Discord Server

Our Discord Server is the hub of the geeky community built around Funky Penguin’s Geek Cookbook, which inspired the ElfHosted platform.

You’ll find a community of friendly geeks, who enjoy self-hosting their own infrastructure using Kubernetes or Docker, as well as the technically-inclined who out-source their hosting to our SaaS, ElfHosted, but get a kick out of being involved in the backend discussion / development.

Conversation is usually quiet, but start an interesting topic, and you’ll usually get opinionated feedback from geeks with a range of expertise and experience.

The Discord server also includes a section for user support for both the cookbook, and our ElfHosted SaaS.

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