True Metal Underground

An immature yet inclusive discord for 18+ year old people to talk about heavy metal and related genres.

True Metal Underground

Created: September 04, 2019

Members: 1358

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Once you get granted access to the main body of the discord you will find that True Metal Underground is a discord for all people who are 18+ and who are into heavy metal and related forms of music.

That said our community is more into more underground forms of metal and hardcore like death, black and traditional metal or crust punk. If I absolutely have to name 5 bands it would be Bolt Thrower, Agent Steel, Insect Warfare, Beherit and Wolfbrigade.
Don’t think other genres of music are verboten here, we have our fair share of metalcore, electronica, hiphop, folk music and other genre fans and we do talk about these genres.

Check out our channel for musicians if you make music. We have several active musicians in our discord that have released material.

We have an international and diverse community that does not tolerate racism or LGBTQ+phobia. The mod teams approach to these things is kind of laissez-faire however. We find it important that the community polices itself and long time members are involved with decision making. Talking about politics is allowed but not encouraged. This is the internet after all.

Sometimes we host events such as weeklies or Nothing But Black Metal November.

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