Random Roll

Welcome to Random Roll! We focus on tabletop roleplaying games, primarily D&D 5E.

Random Roll

Created: December 02, 2022

Members: 1237

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Hello, wandering adventurer! Come on in, rest your weary bones, and tell us your tales.

RandomRoll is a place where we welcome new players (only legal adults), host a multitude of one-shots, and help the gaming community grow. We even have Gale of Waterdeep (Tim Downie) with a personal welcome to all new members!

When you join (and after you agree to the rules), you’ll get a Player Role. With this role, you’ll be able to see all that we have to offer. Take a look at our scheduled games. If you find one you like, and if there’s a space open, then grab a seat. That’s as easy as we can make it.

If you have questions, join us in the Lobby and ask us person to person. We’re very friendly, and we all want to help you to get to a point where you’re comfortable playing a game. We mostly use DnDBeyond for character sheets and Roll20 for Virtual Tabletops, but we have been known to use other websites too. If you don’t know how they work, just ask!

We do want to create a welcoming atmosphere, and so all material submitted has to be safe for work.

Communication is our big thing. If you have a problem with something, tell us. We’ll listen. If we find you’re causing problems, we’ll contact you and ask you about it. It’s a two-way street.

Thank you for considering us for your new D&D experiences, and we hope you have fun. Game on!

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