VVH﹒ Make Friends﹒ Anime﹒ Music﹒Vibe﹒ Chill﹒Fun﹒Chatting﹒Social﹒Emotes﹒Events﹒Giveaways﹒Active﹒VC

the place that you can call your virtual home <3 we're all family here! put .gg/vibing in your status for a surprise !!

VVH﹒ Make Friends﹒ Anime﹒ Music﹒Vibe﹒ Chill﹒Fun﹒Chatting﹒Social﹒Emotes﹒Events﹒Giveaways﹒Active﹒VC

Created: November 13, 2020

Members: 32634

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VVH is all about feeling comfy, having fun and making friends.

Our goal is to become your second home, a virtual but nonetheless space where you feel happy. Even if you feel happy, sad, gloomy, we hope that you can stay and share experiences with us, you mean a lot to us here.

Your presence is welcomed, you won’t be ignored, you’re excepted for who you are, and your opinions do matter!

We hope to see you around – whether it’s playing Among Us with us. or even saying hi in chat for two seconds. Have a nice day ^^

Psst… it costs a lot to keep VVH thriving, so if you’re enjoying your experiences in VVH, please consider donating @ https://ko-fi.com/vibrantsvibehouse
thank you <3

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