Songs of Silence

The official server Songs of Silence! ⚔ Enjoy battles, get the updates first, or leave valuable feedback - welcome!

Songs of Silence

Created: January 27, 2023

Members: 1201

Join Discord Server

This server is the hang-out spot for all fans interested in Songs of Silence. We are a positive and friendly community with the goal of bringing the team and development process closer to the fans, as well as providing a safe space to give us feedback & suggestions!

– Join Multiplayer sessions (if you’re part of the beta – more information on the Server ,))
– Leave feedback about the game. We check every message
– Be the first one to get updated about the game (production updates, bugfixes, new art)
– Meet new people! Here are friends who are also a fan of Songs of Silence and can’t wait for the game.
– Talk to the team! The team is lurking in the Discord server, eager to know what you think about their game.
– Last but not least: just have fun!

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