The inclusive home for the Indian LGBTQIA+ community on Discord.


Created: January 11, 2021

Members: 2213

Join Discord Server

Welcome to LGBTQIndiA+, a community run Discord server for all Indian queer folks, with a focus on being an inclusive & supportive queer space first and foremost!
We are glad to have you as a member of our community. A lot of people here find it hard to manifest their true self in the real world. This server is to provide a virtual space to LGBTQIA+ folks from India to assimilate and freely be.
This is NOT A DATING SERVER. It’s just a platform for you to express yourself without fear of judgment or biases. However, since a lot of people on this server are closeted in real life, we have some rules to ensure the users’ privacy to the best of our ability.
Remember, this is a space created solely by voluntary work of people of, by, & from the community.

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