We are an open community that doesn't take itself too seriously, created originally for Linkuru's youtube followers.


Created: April 25, 2016

Members: 9587

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This community was created by me (Linkuru) in 2016 for my internet followers and Rocket League players, and has since grown into a large group of regular chatters with years of history in this server.

Nowadays our focus is on…
– creativity
– general chatting
– and connecting with my followers, sharing ideas, and creating better content with your help

We don’t tolerate any kind of discrimination, but generally our rules are not very strict unlike many content creator communities, and I hope to allow people to express themselves freely, share content without intense restrictions, and talk about (mostly) anything.

Most of our regulars in this community don’t watch my content, so don’t worry if you don’t know me lol.

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