Pocky Time ✦﹒ anime ⊹ art ⊹ social ⊹ nitro

﹕Comfy & Active - Perfect to make friends in!﹕ ﹕Games ♡ Active VCs ♡ 500 Emotes! ♡【Art by the owner, @pocketnii】

Pocky Time   ✦﹒ anime ⊹ art ⊹ social ⊹ nitro

Created: December 12, 2017

Members: 64279

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﹕Pocky Time has been created to make a comfy atmosphere for people to make friends in. We know how hard it is to find a safe and wholesome community, and we aim to create a comfortable server that isn’t riddled with toxicity and drama!

❖ There’s always someone to play a game with, or simply chill and watch movies together!
❖ We have lots of bots to play around with, and our own custom bot and mascot!
❖ We are a cutesy, anime, and cat-themed server, and we welcome anyone c:
❖ Are you a fan of anything anime or gaming related? There are definitely more people who like the same things. Feel free to check out our forum channels where anyone can discuss about their related interests!
❖ 24/7 Lo-Fi radio and several music bots to sit and listen to!
❖ Talk to our custom bot, Kaia! She can hold many interesting conversations.
❖ Are you an artist? We provide spaces where you can both share your art AND sell your commission!

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