TF2 Blender Community

A server dedicated to recreating the TF2 style in Blender!

TF2 Blender Community

Created: June 17, 2020

Members: 3602

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This server is your best bet when it comes to getting high quality TF2 & Source ports to Blender, but it’s not limited to only that! Our wonderful community has collectively worked together to create an accepting server, with so many resources offered at at your fingertips. We have a volunteer support team as well as a help forum, so no matter what problems you’re having in Blender, someone’s bound to be of assistance. We also have an extensive and ever-expanding Community Workshop, think of it like the Steam Workshop but for Blender! There, we host not just TF2, SFM, and Source ports, but also ports from other games like Helldivers 2, as well as custom content found nowhere else! On top of all that, we have an active and friendly staff team, who regularly organise server-wide events and chat as equals with the rest of the server.

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