This server is dedicated to TRIBES 3: Rivals competition. Interested in pickup games and potential tournaments? Join Us!


Created: November 27, 2023

Members: 1414

Join Discord Server

Welcome to our thriving server, where we cultivate a vibrant community centered around the exhilarating world of Tribes 3: Rivals. Here, we’re not just a server, we’re your digital home base, your sanctuary for organized gameplay and camaraderie. With a membership swelling to over 1000 passionate individuals and continually expanding, there’s always room for more adventurers to join our ranks.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced newcomer, you’ll find a warm welcome awaiting you here. Our experienced players, the stalwart veterans of countless battles, stand ready to guide and mentor those new to the fray. No matter your level of skill or familiarity with the game, we believe in fostering an environment where everyone can learn, grow, and ultimately excel.

Join us as we embark on epic adventures, engage in fierce battles, and forge lasting friendships within the dynamic world of Tribes 3: Rivals. Together, we’ll conquer challenges, celebrate victories, and create memories that will endure long after the final flag has been captured. So come on in, grab your gear, and prepare to make our server your virtual home away from home. The battlefield awaits, and with your presence, our community becomes even stronger.

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