Evolving Finance Institute

A professional derivative & equity trading community. We focus heavily on the Mechanics of the market.

Evolving Finance Institute

Created: April 17, 2020

Members: 5676

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My name is Andrew Rader, and over the last several years, I have been under the guidance of several world-class traders who have shaped me into the person and trader I am today. Through extensive training Zak, West, and several other of my mentors have given me deep insight into not only the mechanics of the market, but also the deeper meaning of trading.

For eons, the human race has developed a deeper understanding of its surroundings with each generation. Not only has it survived, but also thrived, by the passing on of this generational knowledge chain. We feel that it is our duty to provide a structured and complete view into our perspective on trading, so that this too can be passed on.

As we pass on our knowledge, we aim to continue building a community of well-informed traders that not only reflect our trading perspective but also our values. Deception, lies, flexing, greed, and cruelty of heart are not tolerated by any means in our family.

Taking the path of many pioneer traders before us, we invite all men and women, of any skill level or origin, to come along for the journey.

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