Realistic Roleplay 2

Hey player Welcome to Realistic Roleplay II a sprawling city set in the modern 21st century. A city based on Downtown NY

Realistic Roleplay 2

Created: July 31, 2021

Members: 2611

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The city of New Bloxton is where you can bring your imagination to life. It boasts a beautiful view of the Statue of Liberty and a bustling population. There are fire departments, taxi companies, police officers, and a myriad of other amenities. However, there’s also a darker side to the city, characterized by rampant criminal activities. One misstep could lead you into prison or worse. Fortunately, amidst this, there are kind-hearted individuals and dedicated police officers who strive to assist the community of New Bloxton. It’s essential to be cautious about whom you befriend. Additionally, you have the option to explore other cities like East Brickton, a sprawling city in its own right!

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