Romula One

Romula One (R1) is a ro-racing league currently in its 4th season. With many features, join right in!

Romula One

Created: August 07, 2022

Members: 1075

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Romula One is a racing league powered by Roblox and has existed since 2021. We started off as a small bunch of people but over the years and seasons have been rapidly growing. We now sit at a successful 1000+ members which is continually growing thanks to you guys

But why us? Well Romula One is extremely active through our media team, announcements, races and even our general chat. Oh and our racing is simply top-notch. Alongisde our extremely competitive field, we have a strong emphasis on engineering and hence we have tools specifically made for engineers to crunch numbers in order to get their team to success. We also always have a bit of fun in the server so even if racing is not directly for you, you will have a place where you can chill out and have a joke with others.

So what are you waiting for

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