
Official Ko-fi Discord Community. Connect with other creators, share ideas and grow your income on Ko-fi! ✨


Created: September 07, 2021

Members: 15296

Join Discord Server

The Ko-fi Discord community is the best place to connect with other creators, share ideas and grow your income on Ko-fi! ✨

Ask for advice and get feedback from fellow creators
Get Ko-fi news first
Take part in exclusive events & giveaways
Share your wins and celebrate other members successes
✨ Participate in monthly activities to grow your page and win prizes
️ Join creator-specific channels where you can discuss everything relating to what you create!

Get to know other creators in your creative area and see what tips/tricks they can offer you. ✨

Ko-fi loves to give back to the community, so we regularly run events and giveaways within the server! This may consist of creating art that stands out, sharing your proudest achievements, designing emotes for the server and being rewarded with a Ko-fi donation. Alongside that, you may have the opportunity to swap gifts with other creators in a community swap or Secret Santa

If you want to connect with like-minded creatives and explore what we have to offer, join us today!

We cannot wait to meet you

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