Beef is one of the largest GTPS out there, we’re happy to have you here!
Here are some features listed below copied straight from
so make sure to check the full feature list out!
# Gameplay
– Gameplay is designed to be exactly like a real Growtopia server, which means the center of the economy is World Locks, Diamond Locks, and others. To obtain those, you can buy them from the store with the same prices as the ones on the real Growtopia server, or you can trade 200 Lava Seeds for 1 World Lock by using the /sell command.
– Farming is the same as in RGTS, where there are blocks that are farmable that you can farm. Breaking blocks or trees yields the same drop rates as RGT.
– Seed splicing is supported, and there are more than 1,000 splicing recipes.
– You can also trade with other players. World and guild trading are also supported.
# Player
– Multiplayer
– XP and Level systems
– Billboard (For VIP and above)
– Growmojis
– Trading with other players
– Playmods (Scroll down below for more information)
– Skin colors, which you can change in the options
– Personal Settings (disable SBs, disable adding friends, and others)
– Friend system
– Chat system
– Rank system (VIP, VIP+, Moderator, Super Moderator and Developer)
– Store system
# Worlds
– Breaking / Placing block is working.
– Splicing with more than 1.000 recipes.
– Breaking blocks or trees yields the same drop rates as RGT.
– Supported random grow trees such as growsabers, tangram blocks, and others.
– Supported world blasts (Beach, Desert, Mars, Thermonuclear, Undersea)
any many more!