Horizon Chase

This is the Horizon Chase franchise official Discord server. Join our community and learn everything about what's next!

Horizon Chase

Created: October 20, 2018

Members: 1705

Join Discord Server

Welcome to the Horizon Chase official Discord server!

Here you will find:
– News about the Horizon Chase franchise
– Valuable tips from our community
– A place to share your feedbacks with the dev team
– Exclusive information about upcoming features/content
– People to join your crew

However, here you will NOT find:
– Cheat codes to add a bike to the game

Feel free to explore our channels and interact with our community.
Don’t forget to #introduce-yourself, check out our #rules and get yourself your #roles.

Our dev team is actively checking this server, so make sure to drop your #feedbacks-and-suggestions to help us with the development of this franchise.

See you in the next lap!

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