➳ ∿  aneira

social, gwys, roblox

➳ ∿  aneira

Created: January 09, 2023

Members: 1661

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Aneira is all about making friends and being in a safe tight knit community that anyone can fit into, we do ping like 2-3x a day, but for giveaways we ping more(you can disable giveaway pings so it doesn’t bother you.) We do host events like game night, movie night, easter eggs, etc. We’re always looking for staff and we have a staff application, it is not that easy but not that hard! we also have a channel for those with DID or osdd, and we have a channel for age regressors, we also have roles for those channels. we have educational carrds that educate you on stuff like age regression and those with DID and osdd, and other carrds.

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